“Thriving While Black” sets out to explore the psychological and emotional consequences of being Black in America as well as in the workplace. The playing field for Whites and Blacks are not equal in both corporate and social strata. Blacks are discriminated against and excluded based on their skin color, which creates the question of what their place is in America. Read More
Cori Williams MSW L.C.S.W is a graduate from the prestigious Boston University located in the heart of Boston Massachusetts. A multifaceted entrepreneur, Cori is the owner of Wilmore Marketing Consultants LLC. a Marketing Firm out of Atlanta Ga. offering Internet Marketing Solutions for consumers and business owners. In his latest endeavor as an Executive Life Coach, he is the founder of Quintessential Wellness Solutions LLC., a Family Therapy & Executive Life Coaching Practice and Co-Owner of B&M Enterprises which is a real estate investors Company.